The malaria incidence is weak during winter (DJF) and spring (MAM), due to unsuitable cold temperatures conditions.
During summer (JJA) and fall (SON), there is a climate risk of malaria occurence over Italy, soutwestern France (the Bordeaux region) and the Balkans (Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine). There is also a risk over the western tip of Portugal. Most of these features are relatively consistent accross the different climate datasets used to drive LMM.
Note that these features are relatively consistent with the ones raised in the Reiter's paper
Mean winter (DJF) simulated Malaria Incidence over Europe (1990-2006). Outputs from the Liverpool Malaria Model (LMM). Different sources of climate data are used to drive LMM: NCEP and ERAINTERIM reanalysis, and the ECA (Eobs) dataset at 25km resolution.
Mean spring (MAM) simulated Malaria Incidence over Europe (1990-2006). Outputs from the Liverpool Malaria Model (LMM). Different sources of climate data are used to drive LMM: NCEP and ERAINTERIM reanalysis, and the ECA (Eobs) dataset at 25km resolution.
Mean summer (JJA) simulated Malaria Incidence over Europe (1990-2006). Outputs from the Liverpool Malaria Model (LMM). Different sources of climate data are used to drive LMM: NCEP and ERAINTERIM reanalysis, and the ECA (Eobs) dataset at 25km resolution.
Mean fall (SON) simulated Malaria Incidence over Europe (1990-2006). Outputs from the Liverpool Malaria Model (LMM). Different sources of climate data are used to drive LMM: NCEP and ERAINTERIM reanalysis, and the ECA (Eobs) dataset at 25km resolution.
Mean annual (ANN) simulated Malaria prevalence over Europe (1990-2006). Outputs from the Liverpool Malaria Model (LMM). Different sources of climate data are used to drive LMM: NCEP and ERAINTERIM reanalysis, and the ECA (Eobs) dataset at 25km resolution.
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